Automation and Industrial Internet of Things

Automation and Industrial Internet of Things

At INDUSTRIA, Automation and IoT are key drivers of digital transformation, reshaping productivity and innovation across various sectors. Our expertise spans from concept development to comprehensive implementation, making us your go-to partner for embedding automation and Industrial IoT in your operations. We provide a complete package of consulting and tech development services to enhance operational efficiency, facilitate smart decision-making, and improve organisational connectivity.

Blues Partnership for Enhanced IoT Connectivity

INDUSTRIA has partnered with Blues to bring advanced low-power cellular IoT connectivity to our Industrial IoT solutions. This collaboration ensures reliable and secure communication across remote and challenging environments, pushing the boundaries of industrial automation and IoT. Explore how our partnership enables smarter and more efficient operations across manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture, and other industries.

Industry Applications

Industrial IoT Solutions for Manufacturing
Transform your manufacturing operations into a smart factory with INDUSTRIA's Industrial IoT solutions. Our AIoT technology enables machines to communicate and operate with minimal human intervention, improving efficiency and reducing downtime. With Blues’ low-power cellular modules, even remote facilities can maintain continuous communication and data flow, ensuring real-time insights and operational resilience.

IoT in Defence for Enhanced Operations
Enhance your defence operations with INDUSTRIA's IoT solutions, improving communication, situational awareness, and predictive maintenance. Our technology ensures equipment is mission-ready and key operations are optimized, with secure and reliable data transmission, even in the most challenging environments.

Precision Agriculture with IoT Connectivity
Revolutionize your agricultural practices with INDUSTRIA’s IoT solutions. Our sensors monitor soil moisture, crop health, and weather conditions, improving yields and sustainability. With Blues’ cellular connectivity, even the most remote fields and pastures can benefit from continuous monitoring and data transmission, ensuring optimal farm management.

Healthcare IoT Solutions for Remote Monitoring
Enhance patient care with INDUSTRIA’s healthcare IoT solutions. Our wearable devices and remote monitoring systems provide accurate data, improving care quality. Blues’ secure cellular connectivity ensures consistent data transmission, even in areas with limited internet access, protecting patient information and ensuring compliance with healthcare standards.

Energy and Utilities IoT for Smart Grids
Optimize your energy and utility management with INDUSTRIA's smart grid solutions. Our IoT technology enables real-time infrastructure monitoring and resource efficiency. Blues’ low-power connectivity ensures continuous data flow and operational efficiency, even in rural or hard-to-reach areas, supporting sustainable energy distribution.

Transportation and Logistics IoT Solutions
Enhance your transportation and logistics operations with INDUSTRIA’s IoT solutions. Our technology provides real-time tracking, automated warehousing, and smart routing. Blues’ cellular IoT ensures constant connectivity across vast geographical regions, improving supply chain visibility and fleet management.

Smart Retail IoT for Inventory and Marketing
Transform your retail operations with INDUSTRIA's AIoT solutions. Our smart shelves, RFID tags, and analytics optimize inventory management and personalized marketing. Boost sales and customer satisfaction with our cutting-edge retail IoT technology.

Smart Cities and Infrastructure IoT
Develop smarter cities with INDUSTRIA's IoT solutions. Our technology improves urban services like traffic management, waste management, and public safety through smart sensors and real-time monitoring. Blues’ low-power cellular connectivity ensures reliable communication and data flow, enhancing urban infrastructure and public services.

Our Comprehensive Services

Consultancy and Strategy for IoT and Automation - INDUSTRIA offers technology consulting on the right IoT and automation technologies for a successful digital transformation strategy. We also provide pre-project financial analysis to ensure the best ROI for your investment.

Custom IoT Software Development - Our tailored IoT solutions and automation software development ensure seamless communication between IoT devices, automation systems, and process orchestration. Through our partnership with Blues, we integrate low-power cellular connectivity into our solutions, making them ideal for industries requiring reliable communication in remote areas.

System Integration Services - We provide IoT device integration for existing systems and industrial automation. Our partnership with Blues allows for seamless integration of cellular IoT modules, enhancing remote monitoring and automation capabilities.

Data Analytics and Insights - INDUSTRIA offers advanced data processing and management solutions,backed by data analytics services for actionable insights and predictive maintenance. Our solutions also embed programmatic contracts for transparent, efficient, and trustworthy operations..

IoT Security Solutions - We develop and implement comprehensive security measures for IoTdevices and data. Our solutions, enhanced by Blues' secure cellularconnectivity, ensure compliance with industry standards andregulations, protecting your data transmissions.

Support and Maintenance Services - INDUSTRIA provides continuous support, troubleshooting, and technical assistance to ensure your IoT and automation systems run smoothly.

Training and Education on IoT and Automation - We offer client training and host events on IoT and automation, helping you stay ahead in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Prototype and MVP Development - Our prototype and MVP development services help clients visualize and test IoT and automation ideas through rapid prototyping, bringing innovative concepts to life.

Opportunities for Collaboration

NDUSTRIA is always seeking to expand its network of partners who share our vision of driving innovation in industrial automation and IoT solutions. We are looking for collaborators in various domains who can contribute to enhancing our offerings and delivering exceptional value to our clients. If your company specializes in cutting-edge IoT technologies, automation software, AI, machine learning, or related fields, we are interested in exploring opportunities for collaboration.

Potential Partners

Automated Engineering Software Solutions (AESS) - Specializing in the development of bespoke software for manufacturing, including automation of production lines, real-time monitoring, robotic arms, and predictive maintenance.

Integrated IoT & Automation Partners (IIAP) - Experts in integrating IoT devices with industrial automation systems, focusing on facility management, real-time environmental monitoring, and automated HVAC systems.

Smart Industry Software Architects (SISA) - Leading the creation of smart factory software using AI and machine learning to optimize production efficiency, minimize waste, and predict equipment failures.

Next-Gen Industrial Tech Solutions (NITS) - Pioneers in augmented reality for industrial maintenance and training, and blockchain solutions for secure supply chain management.

Precision Engineering & Automation Developers (PEAD) - Specializing in software development for aerospace and automotive sectors, including automation of testing, quality control, and defect detection using machine vision.

Transform Your Operations Today

Discover how INDUSTRIA's innovative IoT and automation solutions can revolutionize your operations. Whether you're looking to optimize efficiency, enhance connectivity, or implement cutting-edge technology, we're here to help. Schedule a call today to explore customized solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of your industry.